
Monday, June 14, 2010

Benefits of SEO

The most prominent benefits of SEO or Search Engine Optimization are:

High Return on investment - ROI 
Whatever currency you deal in - you will enjoy a higher return on your investment through SEO. Beats any other kind of marketing strategy, any day.

Consistent positioning
When you have a well-designed, optimized website online, SEO will give you better ranking in the long term compared to paid advertising like PPC.

Targeted traffic
That Holy Grail of all website owners - targeted traffic - is a direct benefit of SEO because SEO helps increase the number of visitors that are actually looking for what you are offering, right now.

Better online visibility
SEO brings your website better visibility

More sales
As more targeted visitors drop by, the better are your chances of more sales - and more profits.

Faster loading pages
A well optimized website with keyword rich content means faster loading pages, and better usability for visitors, and faster downloads.

SEO is perhaps one of the most cost effective ways to increase your ranking and promote your business

Wider reach
With SEO you reach your target market easily and also make yourself accessible to them.

Easier for search engines to rank you
When well-optimized, with all your links working efficiently, your website pages will be easily accessible to the search engines, enabling them index your site quickly.

Quantifiable results
This is perhaps the best part - you can measure the results of your SEO through search engine reports, visitor conversion, etc.

Do write in - and let me know other benefits you have enjoyed through SEO!

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